All Classes and Interfaces

A context for an action in the tree
An Area represents a group of Coordinates in the world graph.
Backpack is a class to interact with the backpack interface
Client represents the jag::Client in the RuneScape 3 source.
A node that interacts with a Component
Component Layout represents a interface component
This class is temporary and provides a way for scripters to configure component interactions
Config is a class to store common static final configurations
ConfigManager is a class used to manage the loading and retrieval of configuration data from the RuneScape filesystem.
An immutable representation of a position in the RuneScape world
A decision tree is a tree where each internal node represents a "test" on an attribute (e.g.
This is temp marked deprecated because it's going to change and don't mess with it yet if you don't have a good case.
Equipment is a class to interact with the equipment interface
The EventBus handles incoming events from RuneScape or Scripts Usage Example:
Indicates that the Object has an identifier that can be used to distinguish it from other Objects.
The class represents Dear ImGui bindings for java.
Integer Layout represents a int for Jagexs Client Scripts
An interface that defines an action that can be performed.
The InteractionEvent that is created when an RuneScape action is fired.
The InteractionListener interface, implementing this interface creates a standard representation of the behaviour when an InteractionEvent is published in the EventBus
Reserved for inventory backend rewrite
A node that interacts with the MiniMenu
A class that provides methods for traveling to different locations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A node that interacts with a Npc
Indicates that the object has a name, the opposite of anonymous.
An immutable representation of a quest in RuneScape
A node that interacts with a SceneObject
The abstract script, this class represents the common traits and behaviour between scripts.
ScriptBuilder allows you to create a handle or a descriptor representing a Jagex Client Script (CS2)
The ScriptConfiguration manages the persistence of configurations between the scripts.
The ScriptHandle class represents a handle to one of Jagexs CS2 scripts.
In order to create a activate a script using ScriptRepository.activateScript(Script).
This event is fired when the server end tick packet is received
String Layout represents a string for Jagexs Client Scripts
The Subscription is responsible for managing ownership of the event type and listener.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
TreeNode<S extends Script>
A node in a binary tree that can be evaluated
A builder for a tree node
A listener for when a choice in the tree is made
A skin interface to present an TreeNode in ImGui.
Indicates that the object can have both a valid and an invalid state and so may occasionally need to be validated.
A simple cache for storing a value and checking if it is still valid.
A manager that provides easy access to the game's different types of vars.
 struct Vec2f {
     float x;
     float y;
Represents a world in the world list.