Class Client


public class Client extends Object
Client represents the jag::Client in the RuneScape 3 source.
  • Constructor Details

    • Client

      public Client()
  • Method Details

    • getClientCycle

      public static int getClientCycle()
    • getGameState

      @Nullable public static @Nullable Client.GameState getGameState()
      Gets the game's current state.
      An entry from GameState, otherwise null.
    • getLocalPlayer

      @Nullable public static @Nullable LocalPlayer getLocalPlayer()
      Retrieves the local player in the scene. If it cannot be found or is not a valid entity, returns null.
      a Player object representing the local player. Returns null if no local player is found.
    • worldToScreen

      public static Coordinate worldToScreen(ScenePosition scene)
    • project

      public static Vector2f project(ScenePosition pos)
    • uuid

      public static String uuid()
    • isMember

      public static boolean isMember()
      if the logged in is a member
    • setAntiAFK

      public static void setAntiAFK(boolean enabled)