Interface ImmutableScript

All Known Implementing Classes:
GlobalScript, LoopingScript, Script, TickingScript

public interface ImmutableScript
  • Method Details

    • getConfiguration

      ImmutableConfig getConfiguration()
    • getName

      String getName()
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
    • getAuthor

      String getAuthor()
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
    • isPaused

      boolean isPaused()
    • isBackgroundScript

      boolean isBackgroundScript()
    • getDefinition

      ImmutableScriptDefinition getDefinition()
    • print

      void print(Object object)
      Logs the given object's toString to the console on the same line.
      object - The message to be logged to the console.
    • println

      void println(Object object)
      Logs the given object's toString to the console.
      object - The message to be logged to the console.
    • print

      void print(String message)
      Logs the given message to the console on the same line.
      message - The message to be logged to the console.
    • print

      void print(String message, Object... args)
      Logs the given message on the same line.
      message - the message to log
      args - the arguments to format the message with
    • println

      void println(String message)
      Logs a message to the console.
      message - The message to be logged.
    • println

      void println(String format, Object... args)
      Logs a formatted string.
      format - the format string
      args - the arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string
    • print

      void print(Throwable t)
      Logs a formatted string.
      t - the throwable to log