Interface EnumType

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public interface EnumType extends ConfigType
This is temp marked deprecated because it's going to change and don't mess with it yet if you don't have a good case. EnumTypes are sets of tuples mostly interfaced with as if they were a map.
  • Method Details

    • getEntryCount

      int getEntryCount()
    • getInputType

      ScriptVarType getInputType()
    • getOutputType

      ScriptVarType getOutputType()
    • getIntDefault

      int getIntDefault()
    • getStringDefault

      String getStringDefault()
    • getInputs

      @NotNull @NotNull List<Integer> getInputs()
    • getOutputs

      @NotNull @NotNull List<Object> getOutputs()
    • getInput

      @Nullable @Nullable Integer getInput(Object output)
    • getOutput

      @Nullable default @Nullable Object getOutput(int input)