Interface Locatable

All Known Implementing Classes:
Area, Area.Circular, Area.Polygonal, Area.Rectangular, Area.Singular, Coordinate, Entity, GroundItem, HintArrow, LocalPlayer, Npc, PathingEntity, Player, Projectile, SceneObject, SpotAnimation

public sealed interface Locatable permits Area, Coordinate, Entity
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default double
    distanceTo(@NotNull Locatable target)
    @Nullable Area
    Gets the area that the entity occupies on the world graph
    default @Nullable Coordinate
    Returns the position of the entity on the world graph.
    default boolean
  • Method Details

    • getCoordinate

      @Nullable default @Nullable Coordinate getCoordinate()
      Returns the position of the entity on the world graph.
      The position of the entity, or null if it cannot be determined or is no longer on the world graph.
    • getArea

      @Nullable @Nullable Area getArea()
      Gets the area that the entity occupies on the world graph
      The area of the entity, or null if it cannot be determined or is no longer on the world graph.
    • distanceTo

      default double distanceTo(@NotNull @NotNull Locatable target)
    • isReachable

      default boolean isReachable()