The home of all of your favorite free and premium scripts!
Highly configurable. Supports task system for Gem cutting, Jewelry crafting, Harps, and Necroplasm. Utilizes presets, portables, and more!
A comprehensive, feature-complete bot for Archaeology that supports all dig sites and hotspots, waterfiend familiar, Grace of the Elves, porters, and plenty more!
Desert Sole
Green Blubber Jellyfish
Magnetic Minnow
Blue Blubber Jellyfish
Assists legit players by keeping buffs active and providing statistics. Basically RuneMetrics++ Features
Supports all rituals, glyphs and alterations. Disturbances included:
Supports all proteans that can be consumed via Portable or directly in inventory
Collect Memories inside Hall of Memories
also Catches 10 Secret Agents a week for penguin points and Clue Caskets
2 methods:
Progressive mode: Best XP based on Divination level
Manual mode: Choose the memory to collect.
A simple combat bot that supports:
Trains agility at wilderness agility course
Trains agility using Anachronia agility course
Trains agillity at gnome course Trains agility at watchtower tellis
Uses preset "1" for food in bank
Bury bones and scatter ashes using Powder of burials.
This script only works with Bank chest.
This script successfully completes the Livid Farm mini-game under the following conditions:
Does all accidental fletching and firemaking activities Excellent source of Dinosaur Propellant, sharp shell shards, tempered fungal shafts for Dinoarrows, and excellent Firemaking XP
Efficiently withdraws Vial of Water from Portable wells then banks them.
Requirements: Empty preset along with being next to a Bank chest and Portable Well.
Kills Giant mole up to 3 times before banking. *NOT suggested for low level combat
Free, again. :)
The Incense Stick maker supports all incense sticks types, creating these from their base logs through to adding the required herb.
The script is currently developed to operate independently in three phases:
To start:
Click start script
BotWithUs' Official background script
A Simple Signs of Porter Script.
Script stops when out of necklaces.
Supported Features: Both Gem Bags Mine - Craft (gem drop) Mine - Craft - Fletching (bolt drop) Support multiple banking location (Default is Arch site chest). Have Arch Journal for faster teleport Cutting Gem at any bank location Display Mining, Crafting and fletching XP stats
An efficient background script that does:
A simple script which picks up Glowing fungus, drops it and picks up the ashes.
Instructions: Go to the Glowing Fungus within the Haunted Mine, Open Area Loot, add Glowing Fungus to ability bar. Sit back & Relax
Requirements: Haunted Mine Quest, Tome of Um 1 or 2 for requirments/info
Kills the GWD2 boss Helwyr using Necromancy.
Kills Kerapac in normal mode:
Must have:
Hunter uses the BotWithUs nav system to travel to the correct area, as well as deploy, catch and rebuild traps for the required creature as needed.
Supported creatures:
To start:
Supported Traps:
Use the Navigator to: Go to "Your marker" Go to custom X,Y,Z Save custom X,Y,Z Save current player location and use the saves to go to their location. Stop traversing with the "Interrupt Traversal" button. Disable Teleports Option
Use the Auto Dialog: To skip through dialog And using the Dialog options to automatically select options in dialogue.
Endlessly cooks or firemakes at Prifddinas bonfire (as long as you have materials) If firemaking, will auto collect rewards from fire spirits
Future releases will include additional courses and training activities.
The GemCutter3000 cuts gems. Fast.
To start:
Undertakes skilling tasks within Menaphos for Reputation Gains.
Currently Supports:
Script has been tested - but if you're using a HCIM, please bot safely and responsibly. There are many failsafes in place, however cannot guarantee no deaths.
Traverse to Player owned Farms and turns the manure for farming experience.
Open Source Script upon release.
-Solves any tier of clue scroll easy/medium/hard/elite/master. -Locates and excavates powered tetracompasses. Wiki page:
Simply picks Glowing Fungus and drops them for ashes in the Haunted Mine
With decent gear : 170-200 kph
Read about :
Simply make the potions you want to make. DryptoHerblore is a basic Herblore trainer that supports these locations:
BETA VERSION. Freshly new created character combat stat leveler to your desired level on cows. Read wiki before:
Input the player name you want to duel.
For the one accepting duels, mark the Acceptor checkbox and input the player name that will send duels, it will be responsible only for accepting duels.
Purchases buckets of milk, turns them into cream cheese and hops world to get more stock. Great cooking experience for ironmen. Wiki guide here: YouToube guide here:
- Creates soul runes via abyss and legends cape.
- Supports abyssal titan and powerburst of sorcery
- Supports wilderness sword teleing, otherwise it uses edge lodestone
- Surges if surge is on the actionbar.
- Uses dive/bladed dive if on actionbar.
- Loads last bank preset
- Will summon abyssal titans from your bank (make sure you have plenty) - recharges points at obelisk near GE.
- Great XP, average money, and a godsend for irons.
- 'Phite Club quest completed
- A bank preset similar to the example
- Legends quest complete & cape equipped, configured for arrival outside the legends guild.
- Edgeville sword equipped
- Phoenix necklace recommended
- Use demonic skull at your own risk.
Select the Course:
Start Immediately:
Use Mobility Abilities:
Reset via Lodestone:
Finish the Lap:
Note: This setup optimizes agility training on Anachronia for speed. Adjust as necessary based on your gear and abilities.
Completes TzKal-Zuk Normal Mode, waves and boss encounter using Necromancy. Currently, averages approximately 3 kph with equipment and supply recommendations noted below.
Please note the script has been tested with the above, kills may be achievable with lesser gear however deaths may be more likely and the speed will reduce.
Refer to the Wiki for Action Bar and Inventory recommendations please ensure revolution ++ is active and all abilities / prayers / spells / incantations noted are available on Actionbar and that that a preset is set and loaded once prior to starting script
Additional Notes
Efficiently hunts charm sprites for Yaktwee Stick upgrade (trim req, master clue req).
- Background script, works in conjunction with other scripts
- will use notepaper on any item
- Works for Magic & Enchanted Notepaper
- Enter name in GUI and go!
An easy to use crafting script. Currently does: Cooking, Cleaning herbs, Cutting gems, Making gold bars, Making most potions, and Making tar.
Important Note: All these scripts function off of having a bank preset already loaded before starting the script Will use Portable crafting station or Well if nearby.
For Potion crafting make sure to start with the first inventory already loaded as it takes a snapshot on start and will run until no longer matches snapshot. Will only make certain potions without portable well nearby( Work in progress) will wait if cant make potions until a portable is found.
Gold bar maker has support for with and without family crest completed.
Cooker currently only works in Fort kitchen.
Special thanks to Sadness and theSn0w for all their help.
- Catches whirligigs at Hets Oasis
- Forked from sadness' Hunter, same functionality with a new name
- Make between 8-10m GP/hr when using volcanic trapper outfit, collecting speedy whirligig shells and making powder of burials
- Averages 1m XP/hr at level 90 with all crocodile unlocks
Completes the Sanctum of Rebirth in normal mode. (Comes with HM Purchase on request dm pizzanova)
Script to help get some quests done. Check settings UI for quest list. Expect bugs.
Sanctum of Rebirth (Hard Mode)
This activity has high requirements please check wiki. It is essential to exercise extreme caution when utilizing this script. Current reports indicate a heightened risk of account bans. If account safety is a concern, it is strongly advised to refrain from using. Proceed at your own discretion.
Beta Pro version of MultiSkiller. Releasing Early for Double XP.
Currently Does: Burial powder bones at any bank or chest.
Smithing: Makes Ammo(Arrowheads, Bolts, Darts), Makes Gold/Silver bars, Makes Burial sets( Buries or banks).
Crafting: Jewelry Crafting at furnace. Amulet stringing.
Magic: Enchant bolts, Enchant Jewelry.
Necromancy Rune crafting: Using passing bracelet and Ring of fortune or Ring of Dueling. Uses power burst of sorcery.
Necromancy Rituals: City of Um only: Afk mode, or All disturbances besides defile.
Built In world Hopper.
Author Discord name: MediocreMop
Ping with a forum post if you need support in the script-support-tickets channel. I won't respond anywhere else.
Supports signs of the porter/Grace of the Elves, perfect juju mining potions, ore boxes, magic notepaper
Clicks rockertunities
Configurable stop options (stop after X minutes, out of stone spirits, X ores mined, X mining level reached)
Adjustable delays
Configurable world hopping
Option to auto-start on restart/reload
Captures seren spirits, Brooch spirits, with configurable % chance to capture them
Option to make bot turn off anti-afk on start
Banking and withdrawal with dry/test run support
In order of priority:
I intend to improve banking functionality until it's more consistent.
I intend to release GE Buy/Sell functionality soon.
I intend to release different locations/ores soon.
Most recent updates (1.7) 10/5/2024 (1.6) 9/17/2024 (1.5) 9/3/2024 (1.4) 8/19/2024 (1.3) 8/12/2024 (1.2) 8/9/2024 (1.1) 8/7/2024
Wiki ->
Generic AIO fighter that will bank from anywhere supported by Navigation system, currently Revo ++ only.
Kills the GWD2 boss Vindicta using Necromancy.
Wiki ->
Combat Script for Godwars Dungeon 2
Bosses Supported:-
Toggle to utilise Necromancy full manual rotation or Revolution ++ for other skills.
Crystal Chests Opener in Taverley, sells keys at nearest shop and rebuys for quick refill.
Just press "Start", bot will go to bank, take the keys and start working. World-Hopping between 60-90 minutes during session.
Support: @MonVardsDraguns
This background script closes interfaces when new abilities are unlocked to prevent other scripts functionality failures. It also includes options to destroy Strange rocks and Treasure Hunter keys from the inventory. It also includes a custom inventory items list which bot destroy.
Support: @MonVardsDraguns
Makes ghostly inks by loading the last preset and crafting them in your inventory. To use it, load the preset you've set up and hit play. You may need to reload it if it doesn't start.
Only buy if you're too lazy to build it yourself, it's open source!
Does the skilling boss Gate Of Elidinis.
Requirements *Wars retreat teleport. *Adrenaline Crystal unlocked if you want to use barricade. *A bob familiar of your choosing only 1 pouch in preset. *1 Super restore in your preset, any kind works. *Food of your choice all food are supported you can bring as many as you want aslong as you have 17 spaces between your inv (inventory must have 3 minimum) and bob combined.
FarmWithUs will automatically perform farming runs and the associated tasks including planting seeds, harvesting crops, composting patches, and interacting with allotment specific NPCs for noting items, accessing compost and buying plant cure. While waiting for patch changes, the script can be configured to harvest bushes at hets oasis.
Supported locations:
For more comprehensive information, checkout the wiki:
The ArchGlacorNM script manages loot collection, healing, prayers, and items use during fights. It includes banking, world-hopping, equipment repairs (Cinderbane gloves, Blood Necklace, charges Wen Scripture), and opens crystal chests with keys collected if you wish. It also integrates with the Grand Exchange for buying supplies like runes, potions, charming potions, and divine charges, with an added option to refill invention charges from the bank.
The script now supports Excalibur, Ancient elven ritual shard, Charming potions, and all summoning familiars. It also adds charming potions and divine charges to the possible items to buy in the G.E.
Key features include customizable kill limits before banking, world hopping at the bank after a set number of kills, and Discord messages with bot stats. The GUI lets you personalize what your account should be doing, what it should buy, how many kills before banking, whether it should eat food to free space, and repairs for low-charge items, etc.
Doing jagex's job for them. Now can share/copy interfaces from one account to the other :) (Settings are not copyed just the interface, including stuff like buffs/debuffs ect)
Stack God Wars Dungeon 1 [Beta]
Requires Wars retreat unlocks including portal / altar / bank etc.
Kills the King Black Dragon for Loot + Collection log for requirments/info does not do normal mode.
Makes "Blessed Sand" from "Extra Fine Sand". GP money-making from :
Supports :
Start with empty inventory, check settings for banking on war's or lumbridge. Check if you want to sell Blessed Sand on every iteration. Does iterations of 1000 Extra Fine Sands. Automatic item purchase/selling.
At this current stage script buys extra fine sand on HIGH. Sells Blessed Sand on LOW. Still decent money maker.
Requirements :
You can start from anywhere, as long as your inventory is empty and you have at least 20M GP in money pouch.
Use it at your own risk pvm scripts are hot rn
Halloween and Christmas events 2024.
Offers bones to the chaos altar.
To use it, load the preset you've set up, at the chaos altar, and hit play. You may need to reload it if it doesn't start.
Disclaimer: it's not my fault if you go into the wilderness with PVP enabled. Turn it off if you have it on for some reason.
Only buy if you're too lazy to build it yourself, it's open source!
> - Logs
> - Oak
> - Willow
> - Yew
> - Teak
> - Maple
> - Mahogany
> - Elder
> - Eternal Magic Tree
> - Ivy
> - Crystal
> - Burthorpe
> - Draynor Village
> - Eagle's Peak
> - Edgeville
> - Falador
> - Kharazi Jungle
> - Lumbridge
> - Menaphos
> - Seer's Village
> - Tai Bwo Wannai
> - Uzer
> - Varrock
> - Varrock Palace
> - Automatic navigation for efficient movement between tree locations and banks.
> - Persistent settings ensure options are saved and restored across sessions.
> - Randomized delays simulate human-like behavior.
> - Banking automation detects when the player's inventory is full, then it navigates and deposits logs.
> - If a wood box is in the player's inventory, the script interacts with it to store logs.
> - *ick up bird's nests automatically while chopping trees to maximize profits and resources.
> - World hopping is enabled when all trees at a location are hidden, ensuring uninterrupted gameplay. Granular customization allows players to define criteria for selecting worlds.
> - Elder tree rotation navigates to the next available elder tree location when the current tree becomes hidden.
> - Magic notepaper support allows logs to be converted into notes for better inventory management and extended trips.
> - Crystallise spell support increases experience gain by enhancing specific trees during chopping sessions.
> - JuJu Potion support for that boost in experience.
> - Must be equipped with an axe appropriate for the trees.
> - If using a wood box, ensure compatibility with selected trees.
> - If Tai Bwo Wanna is selected, you must have the sticks in your backpack
For additional information, please visit:
How to start
All-in-one Slayer bot supporting all masters.
Tracks your XP like Runemetrics.
PRICE IS 60 COINS PER WEEK. No Session Limit.
Will streak Telos to 4,000% enrage quickly and efficiently while claiming rare drops along the way. It can also be used for 2449 claims. Designed for 200% enrage and up, but can initially be used from 0% to unlock higher enrages.
Visit the support thread for setup information and Q&A.
- Automatic Navigation: Seamless movement between banks, forges, and mining locations, ensuring efficient workflows.
- Dynamic Location Support: Automatically adjusts to various mining locations and ore types based on user preferences.
- Persistent Settings: Saves and restores ore type and location preferences across sessions for a streamlined experience.
- Randomized Delays: Simulates human-like behavior with realistic wait times.
- Banking Automation: Detects when inventory lacks required ores and navigates to the nearest bank to withdraw the selected ore type.
- Forge Interaction: Efficiently deposits ores into forges to streamline smelting tasks.
- Inventory Management: Ensures inventory is optimized by only withdrawing necessary ores and depositing excess items.
- Safety Checks: Continuously monitors the game state, managing interruptions to ensure uninterrupted gameplay.
- Barbarian Village: Clay, Coal
- Burthorpe: Copper, Tin, Clay, Iron, Silver
- Draynor Village: Clay
- Dwarven Mine: Coal, Copper, Iron, Luminite, Tin
- Dwarven Mine - Miners Guild: Coal, Orichalcite, Runite
- Garden of Kharid: Gold, Silver
- Lumbridge Swamp East: Clay, Copper, Tin
- Lumbridge Swamp West: Coal, Iron
- Manor Farm: Coal, Mithril
- Mudskipper Point: Blurite
- Port Sarim: Copper, Tin, Adamantite, Gold
- Varrock - Rune Essence: Rune Essence
- Varrock - East: Copper, Tin, Mithril, Adamantite
- Varrock - West: Copper, Tin, Iron, Mithril
- Copper
- Tin
- Clay
- Iron
- Silver
- Coal
- Luminite
- Orichalcite
- Runite
- Gold
- Mithril
- Adamantite
- Blurite
This script is perfect for players looking to automate repetitive mining and banking tasks. With support for various locations and ore types, it optimizes workflows for both mining and smelting processes.
For additional details, visit the official wiki:
Collects Cave night shades from the skavid cave Requirements: Yanille and Burthorpe Lodestone teleports on actionbar Skavid map in backpack White candle (lit) in backpack Gauntlets in the Equipment hand slot
Check: MarED4Token Farm
- Farms dg tokens from ED4 Cerberus miniboss .
- Revolution++ Only (Magic, Range).
- Revolution+ Necromancy Basics, uses thresholds and auto-attacks.
- Full Manual Mode (optimized for T95 gear & Zuk cape).
- Uses Platypus to safespot while avoiding the Chaos Witch (recommended for low-levels).
- Supports Curses & Normal Prayers.
- Supports Solid Food, Brews, and Prayer Potions.
- Death Handler: Reclaims items and continues.
- Uses Group Teleport if Zamorak isn't unlocked.
- Bank After # kills.
- Hop Worlds to a specified region of your choosing.
Open source:
A simple script to endlessly play the harp at Prifddinas.
Move to the harp building and start the script. It will re-tune when it reaches 50 percent.
The EliteRaksha script, developed by Clarity and Gibson, is a premium bot designed for efficient and precise combat against Raksha.
Priced at 20 coins/week (excluding client access), it delivers:
Optimized combat rotations for swift and effective kills. A professional user interface featuring real-time stats, loot tracking, and customizable settings.
Note: This script requires top-tier gear, advanced perks, and essential passive unlocks for optimal performance.
For a complete setup guide and detailed requirements, visit the EliteRaksha Wiki
Mines Limestone at Paterdermus Mines, and Chisel's if needed!
##Requirements 10 Mining Toolbelted/Equipped Pickaxe 12 Crafting (If Making Bricks) Empty Inventory (Script will use deposit all functions of deposit boxes)
Any issues, reach out to j. on Discord to be added to the Script Support Page
Open source:
Alternates between the elder trees you pick from a list.
Requires War's Retreat teleport to be unlocked or that you have Ring of Fortune or Luck of the Dwarves equipped. Running the script with the grove selected plus wood box in inv may obviate this.
It'll pick bird's nests up, and it'll use decorated urns and/or wood box if you leave them in your inventory.
If you have a normal and/or perfect juju woodcutting potion when starting the script, it will use it and withdraw more if needed the next time it banks.
Make sure your backpack and magic (if using War's Retreat teleport) or equipment (if using Ring of Fortune or Luck of the Dwarves) menus are open, select at least 3 elder trees then start the script.
- Supports Christmas 2024 Event: Specifically designed to automate key activities required for the Christmas 2024 event.
- Automated Snowball Creation: Seamlessly crafts snowballs from nearby snow piles, supporting Christmas 2024 event activities.
- Fishing Icy Spots: Automatically identifies and interacts with icy fishing spots to catch fish for event-specific tasks. Deposits fish to the nearest bank for optimized inventory management.
- Fir Tree Chopping: Efficiently locates and chops down Fir trees, crafts Fir logs into planks, and deposits them into the bank.
- State-driven Logic: Intelligent transitions between activities such as snowball crafting, fishing, and chopping for seamless event participation.
- Randomized Delays: Simulates human-like behavior with natural, unpredictable wait times.
- Banking Automation: Detects full inventory and deposits items to the nearest bank.
- Snow Piles (for snowball creation)
- Icy Fishing Spots
- Fir Tree Locations
- Must have an axe equipped for Fir tree chopping.
- Ensure inventory has space for items.
- Event-specific items must be available in inventory or accessible nearby.
For additional information, please visit:
Performs Runespan for good runecrafting xp/hr. Start at the island you want it to run.
TODO: Platform traversal, Island selection, Yellow Wizard support
- Supports Advanced Arrow Crafting: Automatically crafts a variety of arrows, from basic Bronze to advanced Deathspore and Dinarrow types.
- Headless Arrow Crafting: Ensures Arrow Shafts and Feathers are always available, automating the crafting process efficiently.
- Tipped Arrow Crafting: Withdraws required materials (Headless Arrows and arrowheads) and crafts Tipped Arrows seamlessly.
- Bow Crafting: Supports crafting of Shortbows and Shield Bows (u), converting logs into bows with precision.
- Dynamic Material Management: Automatically withdraws required materials from the bank and deposits excess items to maintain optimal inventory space.
- State-driven Logic: Dynamically transitions between tasks such as crafting Headless Arrows, Tipped Arrows, and Bows based on the selected configuration.
- Randomized Delays: Incorporates natural, human-like wait times between actions to avoid detection.
- Arrows: Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, Adamant, Rune, and much more.
- Bow Types: Shortbow (u), Shieldbow (u).
- Ensure the required materials are available in the bank (Arrow Shafts, Feathers, Arrowheads, or Logs).
- Ensure sufficient inventory space for crafted items.
For further details and support, visit the official wiki:
Minor utility stuff.
Powder of Burials
Sift soil via Lunar or screen meshing
High alchemy
> - Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, Adamant, Rune, Orikalkum, Necronium, Bane, Elder Rune, Primal
> - Implements randomized delays and natural action patterns to mimic human behavior and reduce detection risks.
> - Automates the process of upgrading items from base versions to +5 using materials efficiently.
> - Supports Smithing and Smelting all items at the forge, ensuring efficient material usage for bars and equipment creation.
> - Ensure the required ores and upgrading materials are available in the forge.
> For full documentation and support, visit the official wiki: [](
- Automated Banking: Automatically gathers the compost from the bin and deposits in the bank.
- Supported Compost: Supports Compost, Super Compost, and Ultracompost.
- Ensure enough empty buckets are in the bank and required materials are available in the inventory.
- Must be at Catherby, but other locations with a bank and compost bin nearby should work (untested).
For full documentation and support, visit the official wiki:
Excavates and notes material for great profit, even on low level accounts
- Supports all Materials
- Ignores unreachable caches
- Supports Ancient elven ritual shard for imp-souled perk
- Automatically stops when out of notepaper
- Option to hop worlds when caches are empty to avoid downtime
- Will consider all feature requests submitted on discord
- Have notepaper in inventory
- (optional) Have Ancient elven ritual shard in inventory
- Start script near selected material caches
Kills the Corporeal Beast for Loot + Collection log
Requires Wars Retreat unlocks including portal / altar / bank etc.
Kills the Dagannoth Kings for Loot + Collection log
Requires Wars Retreat unlocks including portal / altar / bank etc.
Kills the Hermod for Loot + Collection log
Requires Wars Retreat unlocks including portal / altar / bank etc.
Kills the Kalphite Queen for Loot + Collection log
Requires Wars Retreat unlocks including portal / altar / bank etc.
Pickpockets elves in Prifddinas
Crystal mask and Light form support
Custom clan selection support.
Crystal teleport support.
Supports any material cache in the game, has a button to get nearby caches or can also enter the name of the cache you want and click start.
Uses notepaper on items you select in the gui when the inventory is full.
for FREE?????
- Opens all geodes
- Ensure the Geodes are in your backpack.
For full documentation and support, visit the official wiki:
Open source:
Chops down eternal magic trees.
Requires War's Retreat teleport to be unlocked or that you have Ring of Fortune or Luck of the Dwarves equipped.
It'll pick bird's nests up, and it'll use decorated urns and/or wood box if you leave them in your inventory.
If you have a normal and/or perfect juju woodcutting potion when starting the script, it will use it and withdraw more if needed the next time it banks.
Make sure your backpack and magic (if using War's Retreat teleport) or equipment (if using Ring of Fortune or Luck of the Dwarves) menus are open, then start the script.
If you want to use an aura, activate it manually.
- Automated Banking: Automatically gathers the stolen materials and deposits in the bank.
- *Draynor Village: Steal From Market Stall, Seed Stall, and Pickpocket Master Farmer
- *Lumbridge Market: Steal From Vegetable Stall, Seed Stall, Bakery Stall, Wine Stall, Crafting Stall, and Pickpocket Master Farmer, Man, and Woman
- *Misthalin Safes: Cracks safes on a loop in Misthalin
- *Asgarnia Safes: Cracks safes on a loop in Asgarnia
- Must have high enough Thieving skill level
For full documentation and support, visit the official wiki:
MarGateOfElidinis Crafting
- Trains Crafting at Gate Of Elidinis with over 200k exp/hour base.
- Additional ~30k construction exp/hour from repairing barrier.
- Requirement: "Ode of the Devourer"
- Start from anywhere, bot will traverse to the starting point.
- Optional Surge usage (make sure ability is on actionbar).
- No Resources required.
- Auto Restart Instance when it's over.
- Safe Death.
Handles smithing and heating already crafted unfinished items. Support burial items.
Once script has been started click anvil or forge to begin.
Requirements: Already have unfinished items in inventory. If using burial, be in Falador workshop.
Does divination inside the empty throne room. (~50K xp/hr)
- Initial Public release.
- Buys items user-desire from any supported shop.
- Supports traversal to all shops available (~40 shop as of now).
- One-click Preset available to do a daily run: All Shop Runes, General Supplies (Feathers, Vials, Meat, All Packs).
- Preset Manager - Users are able to create custom presets.
- Smart Banking - uses proximity to determine where to bank.
- Disassemble Support (Optional).
- Blacklist Handler - Users can add any item they wish to bank/not-disassemble to the blacklist.
- Requirement Checks: All shops have checks available to ensure no inaccessible shop is added to queue, resulting in script getting stuck.
- Failsafe Support - Script will logout if Money Pouch gold falls below a user-specified threshold.
Mage Training Arena features includes: -Supports all rooms; Graveyard, Telekinetic, Enchanting & Alchemist Playground -Support looping of all rooms and continue running until you're out of runes or reach desired points -Able to configured points and cycle between all rooms based on points missing or room priority
Auto logoff when points quota reached or loop existing task
Alchemist: -- Collect high points high and alch using low-alch or high alch skill -- Deposited collected coins at 2000 by default or user can configure using GUI
Graveyard: -- Collect bones, convert to (Banana or Peaches) and then deposit -- Heal using Banana or Peaches - Configurable as part of Graveyard Room -- Toggleable option to use regenerate ability for healing -Telekinetic:
Dynamic determine mage room and solve the mage
Perform enchanting after collecting Dragonstone and support hopping world - High points per hours
Collect shapes, enchant and deposit Spell and Items required:
Spell required on action Bar - Bones to Banana or Bones to Peaches, Any level enchanting Skill, Telekinetic spell, Low or High Alchemy --------- Items-------------
Without Elemental staff - A lot of runes required to use all the spell
With Elemental staff - Law, Nature and Cosmic - Quantity - alot
World Hopping Requirements: -Make sure Hide legacy-only worlds and Hide EOC-only worlds options are check marked -Toggle World-hop confirmation is unchecked
If you have any question please reach out to bollythebob or coaez via discord
Open source:
Uses the churn close to the Lumbridge bank chest.
Set your last preset to withdraw what you want to be churned, then start the script.
Collects slime using notepaper and performs ritual after sufficient slime has been collected.
Start with Magic notepaper and/or Ectophial in backpack.
Ritual already pre-configured to manifest ectoplasm
This script is being actively developed for my own needs to use in conjunction with the SimpleQuest script, to handle the skilling required for the quests, following
Some Ironman Spots
Supports Soilbox, GOTE, and Porters.
Screens soil and repairs collected artifacts.
"Just Follow Sprite" mode (doesn't bank or repair, should work at all spots).
Added option to screen soil (fills box from bank, then screens).
If you have something you'd like to see implemented just request it, i'll most likely ignore you, but maybe not.
Kill Creatures in the Abyss
Uses Portables at FortForinthry
No Proteans ATM Coming Soon
Prefer user in W84
- Trains Prayer with Cleansing crystal.
- Requirements: Plague End (Elven City unlocked).
- Supports Traversal & Buying crystals from shop.
- Failsafe Support: Logs out if gold in pouch falls bellow specified amount by user.
- Supports 5 Ticking (fast exp but very expensive).
- Optional use of Surge & Dive when traversing to shop
Gathers Zamorak mjolnirs
Script will buy ring of duelling, travellers necklaces and magic notepaper when not found in bank
Requirements: 1st preset has to have dueling ring, travellers necklace, magic notepaper in backpack and a clan vexelium in hand
Kills Gate of Elidinis boss within 1 cycle
Start with unfinished smithing items in inventory, keeps heat above 50% and completes inventory
A script that creates and banks urns efficiently.
If you run out oif runes it will swap to banking mode
Choose the type of urn you want to craft.
Performs 2 out of the 3 activities for zygomite fletching
Fungal shafts - Firemaking and Fletching xp Sharp Shells - Firemaking xp
I will add Dino Propellant but i only have 1 acc to test on and it doesnt have the reqs yet.